Bombay Sapphire® Mediterranean inspiration

In a world obsessed with screens, we often overlook the small details around us. Yet there is something deeply rewarding about learning to look differently, to appreciate the ordinary as something extraordinary. When we pay attention to the little things, creativity flourishes and our daily lives become a work of art.

Bombay Sapphire seeking precisely that: to redefine our perspective of the world, has trusted Vidrio Sorribes for its initiative ‘mi INSPO, mi ARTE’, through which we have designed and manufactured Glassy, an original drink that Bombay Sapphire will present alongside the cocktail of the same name in the best bars in Madrid and Barcelona.

The smell, the sound of the waves, almost any element that surrounds us in our daily lives, can become a source of inspiration. That's why we have turned our gaze to the Mediterranean, where the founding masters found inspiration so many times, evoking many memories of happiness, freedom and so many family moments by the sea., haven of peace and calm. If you wonder where inspiration can be, remember that it can be anywhere.

bombay sapphire
bombay sapphire

At Vidrio Sorribes, where art merges with skill transmitted through three generations of master craftsmen, the Mediterranean Sea is not just a horizon that can be seen from the windows, but an eternal muse that dances in each sparkle of glass. Since the first strokes of creativity in 1920, the salty breeze and melodic waves have woven whispers of inspiration into every corner of our creations.

The connection between our expert artisans and the Mediterranean is an indissoluble bond, a symbiosis that is reflected in the delicacy of each piece. The hues of the ocean merge with the color palette, while the whimsical shapes imitate the waves that caress the coasts. The proximity of the sea is not only geographical, it is a constant flow of creativity that breathes life into each masterpiece that is born between the skillful hands of Vidrio Sorribes. In each piece, the echo of the Mediterranean resonates, and in each flash, the poetic essence of a tradition that is molded in the shadow of the eternal navy blue is revealed.

